- What then are these good deeds? Are they not your sacrificial living for the glory of the Lord and King! This, will surly draw people! 太5:16你们的光也当这样照在人前、叫他们看见你们的好行为、便将荣耀归给你们在天上的父。
- What then are the grounds we should advance? 我们应该提出的根据是什么呢?
- What then are the characteristics of China's revolutionary war? 那末,中国革命战争的特点是什么呢?
- What then are we to understand by this return to Calvinism? 难道不是这样吗?
- What then was the finish of the big city? 那么大都市的气质又是什么呢?
- By no means are these goods satisfactory. 这些货物一点也不令人满意。
- Are these goods needed urgently? 这一些货急着要吗?
- Are these goods to be exported or to be sold at home? 这些商品是打算出口还是在国内销售?
- And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism. 保罗说,这样,你们受的是什么洗呢。他们说,是约翰的洗。
- Nay,are thou then some god,for god-like are these deeds of thine. 你一定是某位神明,因为你行的事只有神明才能做到。
- And he said, Into what then were you baptized? And they said, Into John's baptism. 保罗说,这样,你们受的是什么浸?他们说,是约翰的浸。
- Nay, art thou then some god, for god-like are these deeds of thine. 你一定是某位神明,因为你行的事只有神明才能做到。
- Be up to All of us are up to good deeds. 我们所有人都在做有益的事情。
- Nay,are thou then some god,for god - like are these deeds of thine. 你一定是某位神明,因为你行的事只有神明才能做到。
- There are many instances of good people and good deeds nowadays. 现时好人好事的例子很多。
- Nay, are thou then some god, for god-like are these deeds of thine. 你一定是某位神明,因为你行的事只有神明才能做到。
- Good people and good deeds can be found everywhere. 好人好事,比比皆是。
- What, then, are these base areas? 游击战争的根据地是什么呢?
- What are these gooding for you? 这些习惯有什么好处呢?
- Your good deed shall be remembered forever. 人家会把你的恩惠永记心头。